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Joshua attending the night of hope gala

Our company had the privilege of attending and being one of the sponsors of the Ruth & Naomi’s Night of Hope Gala, an event that left us profoundly grateful. Held on Friday, May 3rd at Chilliwack Alliance Church, this annual celebration aimed to enhance the organization’s addiction recovery services.

Ruth & Naomi’s Mission is a faith-based charitable organization that offers shelter, meals and community social services to those in need in the Chilliwack area. The help individuals and families facing poverty, homelessness, and addiction.

Our community is incredible and responded wholeheartedly to Night of Hope Gala. Together we raised $140,000! It will allow Ruth & Naomi’s Mission to expand their Recovery Programs and help many individuals to overcome their addictions. We couldn’t be prouder of our generous community.

During that night we could also enjoy Cliff Prang’s comedy show, bid on incredible items and experiences in a live auction, and meet a lot of inspiring people!

We are so grateful for organizations like Ruth & Naomi’s who help those in need. Together, we celebrate hope and healing! Thank you, Ruth & Naomi’s for all your hard work! If you want to learn more about Ruth and Naomi’s Mission, please visit their website:

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