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Meet Mohit Bawa, a talented Cloud Engineer who plays a crucial role in the Projects Team at Kerkhoff Technologies. With a decade of experience in the Information Technology, Mohit brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Let’s dive into his journey, responsibilities, and insights!


What is your role at the company, and what are your key responsibilities? 

I work as a Cloud Engineer in the Projects Team at Kerkhoff Technologies. My key responsibilities are Designing, Developing, and managing cloud-based infrastructure. Where I support Microsoft Products Applications/Services and Cloud Migrations for our clients.

How long have you been working in your current position, and what led you to this role? 

I have diverse work experience in the Information Technology domain, where I worked and supported various Microsoft products and projects, in various parts of the world. It has been an amazing 2.5 Years working with Kerkhoff Technologies which adds up to a decade of wonderful experience working in IT.

Can you describe a typical day in your job? 

I work remotely and daily meetings are an important part of my typical day to share updates about the projects/BAU. To discuss and keep the service team updated about the client facing Project work. To identify technical processes and write best practice SOPs for the Team. I also ensure my availability for the Team if they need any help with their BAU service work.

What do you enjoy most about your work at Kerkhoff Technologies? 

As a part of the Kerkhoff Technologies, every day is unique and full of new challenges as we support all our clients across, where the KTI Techs collaborate to work and bring innovative ideas to optimize and support our clients in an efficient and a professional manner.

What projects or accomplishments are you most proud of in your career? 

During the beginning stage of my career, I worked as an IT Service Desk Consultant (for a MSP (Managed Service Provider)) for a year and after working for a while in the same job role considering my performance I was promoted as IT Service Desk Lead, and I had a chance to lead a team of 15 people, and received Star Performer of the Year Award during my tenure.

Later I worked in the Middle East as a SharePoint Administrator, where I was the only SharePoint Administrator to support over 10K users for the organization. I was taken into the Infrastructure Support team where we delivered various internal and client projects successfully, such as Data Center migration etc. and I was awarded for my unique skill set with Microsoft SharePoint servers and other applications.

Currently working with Kerkhoff Technologies, we have successfully delivered various projects like Server migration to Microsoft SharePoint/Teams as a part of Microsoft Modern Workplace for our clients. Cloud-to-cloud migration and migrated On-premises servers to Azure cloud are some examples which keep the confidence high as an IT Professional.

How do you collaborate with other team members to achieve your goals? 

At Kerkhoff Technologies we are open to innovative ideas. We Focus, Encourage and Appreciate each other’s strengths during our team meetings. Weekly L10 meetings which is a notable example of that.

However, we have various collaboration platforms such as Slack, Confluence/Wiki, Microsoft SharePoint/Teams for documentation and a call away to get in touch whenever there is a need.

What are some recent developments or innovations in your field that you find exciting? 

Edge Computing: Cloud computing has gone mainstream, with major firms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform dominating the industry. Cloud computing adoption continues to expand as more businesses transition to cloud solutions. Edge computing is intended to assist overcome some of those issues by bypassing the latency produced by cloud computing and delivering data to a data center for processing. It can reside “on the edge,” i.e., closer to where computing is required. As a result, edge computing can be utilized to handle time-sensitive data in remote places with little or no access to a centralized site. In some cases, edge computing can function as tiny datacenters.

What is your number 1 tech tip (that you personally use) to our audience? E.g. A tool you use, a workflow, etc. 

Tip: Assess the impact, correctly identify the problem, prioritize it, brainstorm potential solutions, assess, execute the best option, test it, and document it. Finally, keep your stakeholders informed and engaged through proactive communication and updates.

What is your favorite way to unwind after a long day at work? 

Long walks, I love, appreciate, and listen to all kinds of music. Depends on the mood and the time what I am going to listen to. However, I trust my Deep House music playlist (it is public, and I have 2.6K listeners) to relax and chill after working hours.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of work that you are passionate about? 

I like playing any outdoor sports (Soccer/Cricket/Swimming etc.), I am passionate to follow current and world affairs to keep myself aware and updated about global events.

Are there any books, movies, or TV shows you have been enjoying lately? 

I have read Bhagvat Gita, but I prefer audio books. I love to watch biopics, movies based on true stories/important historical events. “The Man Who Knew Infinity” is the latest movie I watched.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

I would love to visit Japan to know and understand the Japanese culture and their history which is fascinating. And of course, to know how Japan was pre-WWII and how it is shaped after tragic historic events.

What is your favorite type of cuisine or restaurant, and what dish can you never resist ordering? 

I am a vegetarian, anything spicy vegetarian and desserts.

Can you share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that most people at the company do not know? 

I love solo travel; I have travelled 5 countries solo and travelled across India 21/28 Indian states and 6/8 Union Territories by train and public roadways. Pro Tip: India is not for beginners.

I am an Army School brat, and NCC Cadet (National Cadet Corps) Airforce wing, I always wanted to be an Airforce Pilot, opted Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics to prepare for NDA (National Defense Acadamy) but could not appear in the exam due to some reasons. But I still aspire to join a flying school and learn to fly light aircraft.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about them! 

I had a 6-week-old Labrador retriever puppy; his name is Dexter and took care of him for a few months and gave it to my family friend as I was moving to UAE. He is adorable and I see him every time I go to India.

What is your go-to music playlist or artist for getting pumped up before a busy day? 

Any great music genre, prefer deep house and Techno music.

Are there any charitable causes or organizations that you are passionate about and support? 

Not associated with any charitable organizations but Sundays are reserved for Temple visits, charity, and community work.

What is your favorite quote or piece of advice that you live by? 

Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, and purity: these are the disciplines of the mind…!! From Bhagavad Gita.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be, and how would you use it? 

I never thought of having any superpowers though. Hypothetically, to be an incredible orator and a writer to spread the word for peace, harmony, love, equality, and happiness.

Lastly, what do you enjoy most about being a part of the company’s team? 

The positive work environment, talented team players, and inspiring leadership.

We hope that you enjoyed getting to know Mohit better. We sure did and got surprised by a few facts! Stay tuned for more Team Spotlights.

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